Clayton Austin, Director
Clayton Austin directs the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning at SOU. With over ten years of experience teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses face-to-face and online, he is committed to creating inclusive and equitable learning environments and employing research-based instructional practices. He has held teaching and administrative appointments at the University of Southern California, the University of Nottingham Ningbo China, and Cengage Learning. As the J. Hillis Miller Presidential Fellow he was awarded a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Florida. His current interests include culturally relevant teaching, mindfulness-based education, and using design thinking to innovate around curriculum and instruction.
Meet with Clay to develop integrated programming aligned to institutional goals, strategize about fostering innovation in teaching, collaborate on shaping impactful policies, explore leadership strategies to support faculty in their teaching and scholarship.

Anne Sebanc, Associate Director of Faculty Scholarship Development and Research Compliance
Anne Sebanc is the Associate Director of Faculty Scholarship Development and Research Compliance at SOU’s Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning. She holds a B.S. in Psychology from the University of California, Davis and a Ph.D. in Child Psychology from the University of Minnesota. Anne was previously a professor of Child Development and Education at Whittier College. Her other roles at the private liberal arts college were the Director of Faculty Research as well as Senior Faculty Fellow for the Center for Engagement with Communities. With over 20 years of teaching, research and community engaged learning experiences, Anne loves to assist faculty engaged in one or all of these activities and find funding to support them. Her previous federally funded research focuses on the influence of peer relationships from preschool through emerging adulthood.
Meet with Anne to strategize when to apply for grants, identify funding opportunities, align scholarship plans with professional goals, research compliance including IRB and IACUC applications, and explore interdisciplinary collaboration. Drop in or zoom for an individual consultation any Wednesday 3:30-4:30 or reach out for an appointment.
Bridgette O’Brien, Teaching Specialist
Bridgette O’Brien is the Teaching Specialist at SOU’s Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning. She holds an undergraduate degree in Comparative World Religions from the University of Puget Sound, a master’s degree from Columbia University’s religion department, and a Ph.D. in Religion and Nature from the University of Florida. Before joining SOU, Bridgette held teaching positions at Humboldt State University, Santa Fe Community College, and Pacific Lutheran University. Additionally, she served as the Director of Academic Affairs at a private K-12 school in Tacoma, WA, working on curricular and assessment alignment. With 25 years of teaching and co-curricular program experience, Bridgette is passionate about innovative curriculum development, drawing from her global experiences and knowledge. Her research focuses on best practices and strategies for community- based learning projects and integrating sustainability and social justice into course designs. Beyond academia, she is an avid outdoor enthusiast who enjoys competing in triathlons, racing sailboats and cherishing moments on alpine summits.
Meet with Bridgette for guidance on curriculum design and instructional strategies, community-based teaching, AI literacy, and emerging pedagogical practices. Drop in or zoom for an individual consultation any Thursday 12:30-1:30 or reach out for an appointment.
Hart Wilson, Instructional Designer
Hart Wilson applied her bachelor’s degree in French as a high school French teacher at Crescent Valley High School in Corvallis, Oregon for four years. She honed her skills in project management during stints in the fair industry and the NBA, and as the owner of a vineyard and winery in Northeast Ohio. While enrolled in SOU’s Master in Management program in 1999, Hart accepted a .25 position at SOU and has been involved in supporting faculty with technology and teaching strategies ever since. An instructional designer in the CATL since 2012, she is an enthusiastic fan of Moodle and has served as the project manager for the online MBA and MSEd programs. She taught Project Management for the School of Business from 2002 until 2019.
Meet with Hart to learn about managing your Moodle course, maximizing student engagement in Moodle, ensuring your course is accessible, designing an online course, and using Google sites for ePortfolios.
Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning
Hannon Library, Room 321
(541) 552-8290